Organizational Structure

AAN Structure

The AAN is a membership driven organization. Its direction and activities are planned and implemented by local members working on one or more of the following association committees. Please contact AAN if you are interested in joining a committee.

Board of Directors

The AAN Board of Directors, selected by the membership during the annual meeting each October, is responsible for all association business. The Board of Directors is made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and 7 to 9 directors.

Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee develops and implements the local and state legislative advocacy program. This includes a grassroots lobbying effort as well as a sophisticated communication structure to keep all members informed of pending legislation.

Education Committee

The Education Committee develops and implements year around educational programs keeping our members and member’s staffs the most educated in the industry. In addition, the Education Committee oversees the local implementation of the national designation programs developed by the National Apartment Association.

Information & Publications Committee

The Information and Publications Committee designs and develops publications including the membership directory/buyer’s guide, newsletters and the website. In addition, the committee designs and completes various industry related reports/studies, including occupancy reports, compensation reports and economic statistical reports.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for the design and implementation of the membership recruitment and benefits program.

Budget & Finance Committee

The Budget & Finance Committee develops all budgetary and financial plans. The AAN President appoints members to this committee.

Community Outreach Committee

The Community Outreach Committee develops and implements community-oriented programs that make evident the rental housing industry is a responsible community citizen.

Awards & Recognition Committee

The Awards & Recognition Committee develops, plans and implements the monthly and annual AAN Awards Program.